Meet Kiwi, a spirited Barbados Blackbelly sheep rescued from an Easter dinner fate in April 2022. Kiwi's journey brought him alongside his lifelong companion Bungee, and their bond has only deepened since their rescue.
Kiwi is known for his mischievous charm, often found sneaking carrots from the donkeys during dinner time, much to everyone's delight. His playful antics and lively personality bring joy to all who meet him. Alongside his best friend Bungee, Kiwi enjoys every moment of companionship and adventure at our sanctuary.
By sponsoring Kiwi, you'll help ensure he continues to thrive in a safe and loving environment. Your support will provide Kiwi with the care, nourishment, and companionship he cherishes dearly. Join us in celebrating Kiwi's zest for life and his heartwarming bond with Bungee. Together, we can give Kiwi the happy ending he truly deserves.