Rooney’s Memorial Flying Pig Program Fund


On April 14, 2022, while driving home from a meeting in Kingsport, TN, I encountered an unexpected scene on Hwy 40 just outside of Knoxville—an accident caused by a pig that had jumped out of a truck on the highway. Yes, you read that right—a Flying Pig! The pig, secured by a cloth measuring tape and held by a state trooper, needed immediate assistance. Stepping in without hesitation, I offered my help, and they graciously accepted.

Assessing the pig's injuries, I could see he was in significant pain, yet still managed to convey a sense of awareness. If he could speak, I'm certain he would have pleaded for aid, expressing his gentle nature and need for assistance. Following protocol, animal control transported him to the University of Tennessee, where I made a commitment: if it was humane to save him, I would take over ownership.

After two hours of anxious waiting, I received the call. They asked me what I wanted to name him. With the understanding that he would be cared for by the university staff, I deferred to the students to choose a name. And so, they named him Rooney.

Rooney had suffered a broken pelvis and severe road rash, requiring weeks of stall rest for recovery. After six weeks at UT, he finally came home to Lemon Lane Farm. Inspired by his resilience and the need to support other animals like him, I founded Flying Pigs Sanctuary—a place dedicated to rescuing and caring for truck-jumping pigs, affectionately known as Flying Pigs.

Tragically, on December 28, 2023, just two weeks after showing signs of illness, Rooney lost his battle to Leukemia. In honor of his indomitable spirit, we've established Rooney's Flying Pig Memorial Fund. This fund will provide support to other sanctuaries caring for pigs that jump out of trucks during transport, ensuring that Rooney's legacy of love and compassion lives on.